
Best Practices in Utilization of 2D-NMR Spectral Data as the Input for Chemometric Analysis in Biopharmaceutical Applications.
Brinson RG, Arbogast LW, Marino JP, Delaglio F. 2020. Best Practices in Utilization of 2D-NMR Spectral Data as the Input for Chemometric Analysis in Biopharmaceutical Applications. Journal of chemical information and modeling 60(4): 2339-2355. DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.0c00081
A Potent Host Defense Peptide Triggers DNA Damage and Is Active against Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Pathogens.
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Correction to: 1HN, 13C, and 15N resonance assignments of human calmodulin bound to a peptide derived from the STRA6 vitamin A transporter (CaMBP2).
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A Coculture Based Tyrosine-Tyrosinase Electrochemical Gene Circuit for Connecting Cellular Communication with Electronic Networks.
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Mass Spectrometry Advances and Perspectives for the Characterization of Emerging Adoptive Cell Therapies.
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Impact of electronic polarizability on protein-functional group interactions.
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A single amino acid substitution alters ClpS2 binding specificity.
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Quorum Sensing Communication: Molecularly Connecting Cells, Their Neighbors, and Even Devices.
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A New Approach to Assess mAb Aggregation.
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Modeling and Viewing T Cell Receptors Using TCRmodel and TCR3d.
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Optimization of a Benzothiazole Indolene Scaffold Targeting Bacterial Cell Wall Assembly.
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Redox Is a Global Biodevice Information Processing Modality.
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Catechol-Based Capacitor for Redox-Linked Bioelectronics.
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HIV-1 gp120-CD4-Induced Antibody Complex Elicits CD4 Binding Site-Specific Antibody Response in Mice.
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Association of Model Neurotransmitters with Lipid Bilayer Membranes.
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