
HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies display dual recognition of the primary and coreceptor binding sites and preferential binding to fully cleaved envelope glycoproteins.
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Crystal structure of the Sema-PSI extracellular domain of human RON receptor tyrosine kinase.
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Target binding to S100B reduces dynamic properties and increases Ca(2+)-binding affinity for wild type and EF-hand mutant proteins.
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Extension of the CHARMM General Force Field to sulfonyl-containing compounds and its utility in biomolecular simulations.
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The effect of remodelling and contractility of the actin cytoskeleton on the shear resistance of single cells: a computational and experimental investigation.
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X-ray crystal structure of the streptococcal specific phage lysin PlyC.
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Expression and characterization of 15N-labeled human C-reactive protein in Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris for use in isotope-dilution mass spectrometry.
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High-resolution definition of vaccine-elicited B cell responses against the HIV primary receptor binding site.
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Identification of multiple RIG-I-specific pathogen associated molecular patterns within the West Nile virus genome and antigenome.
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Neighbor overlap is enriched in the yeast interaction network: analysis and implications.
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Endolysins as antimicrobials.
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Vaccination with cancer- and HIV infection-associated endogenous retrotransposable elements is safe and immunogenic.
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Structural Characterization of λ-Repressor Folding from All-Atom Molecular Dynamics Simulations.
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Glycoprotein analysis using mass spectrometry: unraveling the layers of complexity.
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Challenges in design and characterization of ligand-targeted drug delivery systems.
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