
Enhancing biocompatibility of D-oligopeptide hydrogels by negative charges.
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Architecturing hierarchical function layers on self-assembled viral templates as 3D nano-array electrodes for integrated Li-ion microbatteries.
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Targeting gene expression to the female larval fat body of transgenic Aedes aegypti mosquitoes.
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SAXS characterization of genetically engineered tobacco mosaic virus nanorods coated with palladium in the absence of external reducing agents.
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Structure of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 2 in complex with ATP and ADP.
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Quantification of amyloid precursor protein isoforms using quantification concatamer internal standard.
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The Effect of Ionic Strength on the Mechanical, Structural and Transport Properties of Peptide Hydrogels.
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Gal4-based enhancer-trapping in the malaria mosquito Anopheles stephensi.
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A new screening method for the directed evolution of thermostable bacteriolytic enzymes.
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Sample preparation, data collection, and preliminary data analysis in biomolecular solution X-ray scattering.
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Broad and potent neutralization of HIV-1 by a gp41-specific human antibody.
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Biological templates for antireflective current collectors for photoelectrochemical cell applications.
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Impact of a rapid peptide nucleic acid fluorescence in situ hybridization assay on treatment of Candida infections.
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Hsp70 is a novel posttranscriptional regulator of gene expression that binds and stabilizes selected mRNAs containing AU-rich elements.
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