
Neutron diffraction studies of fluid bilayers with transmembrane proteins: structural consequences of the achondroplasia mutation.
Han X, Mihailescu M, Hristova K. 2006. Neutron diffraction studies of fluid bilayers with transmembrane proteins: structural consequences of the achondroplasia mutation. Biophysical journal 91(10): 3736-47.
Chemical shift tensors of protonated base carbons in helical RNA and DNA from NMR relaxation and liquid crystal measurements.
Ying J, Grishaev A, Bryce DL, Bax A. 2006. Chemical shift tensors of protonated base carbons in helical RNA and DNA from NMR relaxation and liquid crystal measurements. Journal of the American Chemical Society 128(35): 11443-54.
Laboratory Information Management Software for genotyping workflows: applications in high throughput crop genotyping.
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Structure, dynamics, and stability variation in bacterial albumin binding modules: implications for species specificity.
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The Tobacco mosaic virus replicase protein disrupts the localization and function of interacting Aux/IAA proteins.
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Structure of the class IV adenylyl cyclase reveals a novel fold.
Gallagher DT, Smith NN, Kim SK, Heroux A, Robinson H, Reddy PT. 2006. Structure of the class IV adenylyl cyclase reveals a novel fold. Journal of molecular biology 362(1): 114-22.
Variable dimerization of the Ly49A natural killer cell receptor results in differential engagement of its MHC class I ligand.
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Pseudo-CSA restraints for NMR refinement of nucleic acid structure.
Grishaev A, Ying J, Bax A. 2006. Pseudo-CSA restraints for NMR refinement of nucleic acid structure. Journal of the American Chemical Society 128(31): 10010-1.
Mutation-biased adaptation in a protein NK model.
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Retinoids in clinical use.
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Applications of silica supports in affinity chromatography.
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The replicative helicases of bacteria, archaea, and eukarya can unwind RNA-DNA hybrid substrates.
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Crystal structure of staphylococcal enterotoxin I (SEI) in complex with a human major histocompatibility complex class II molecule.
Fernández MM, Guan R, Swaminathan CP, Malchiodi EL, Mariuzza RA. 2006. Crystal structure of staphylococcal enterotoxin I (SEI) in complex with a human major histocompatibility complex class II molecule. The Journal of biological chemistry 281(35): 25356-64.
AND/R: Advanced neutron diffractometer/reflectometer for investigation of thin films and multilayers for the life sciences.
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Detection of operons.
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