
Gelatin-based biomimetic tissue adhesive. Potential for retinal reattachment.
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Nexplorer: phylogeny-based exploration of sequence family data.
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Solution structure of (gamma)S-crystallin by molecular fragment replacement NMR.
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Design of Inhibitors for S100B.
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Archaeal DNA replication and repair.
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Solution NMR structures of IgG binding domains with artificially evolved high levels of sequence identity but different folds.
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Directed evolution of highly homologous proteins with different folds by phage display: implications for the protein folding code.
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S100A4, a mediator of metastasis.
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Refinement of the solution structure of rat olfactory marker protein (OMP).
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Patterned assembly of genetically modified viral nanotemplates via nucleic acid hybridization.
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Progress over the first decade of CASP experiments.
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Critical assessment of methods of protein structure prediction (CASP)--round 6.
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Protein family clustering for structural genomics.
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The three-dimensional solution structure of Ca(2+)-bound S100A1 as determined by NMR spectroscopy.
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Loss of protein structure stability as a major causative factor in monogenic disease.
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