Dozens of test tubes in a holder

IBBR and REFI Announce New Travel Fellowship for 2022

Wed, Apr 20, 2022

The University of Maryland Institute for Bioscience and Biotechnology Research (IBBR) and Robert E. Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices (REFI) are excited to open applications for its 2022 travel fellowship.

The goal of this program is to support the success of scholars whose projects align with the shared missions of IBBR and the Fischell Institute toward the translation of basic scientific and engineering research into innovative solutions to biomedical challenges. This fellowship is available to graduate students and postdoctoral researchers working with IBBR/REFI mentors.

The semi-annual fellowship will provide up to $5,000 toward: fees and travel expenses to present at scientific/engineering conferences and attend relevant professional development workshops.

The candidate’s application will be reviewed and evaluated for its alignment with the IBBR and REFI missions and potential to enhance the applicant’s education. Applications for the Fischell Institute/IBBR Travel Fellowship are due May 1, 2022. Applications will be evaluated by the award committee and awarded within four weeks. Generally, one fellowship will be awarded during each cycle. An individual may receive the fellowship twice during their tenure with the Fischell Institute/IBBR, but not in consecutive cycles.

Contact (ATTN: IBBR/REFI Travel Fellowship) with any questions.