Darwin Diaz Receives NIST Material Measurement Laboratory Accolade for Organizational Excellence

October 4, 2021 - IBBR Staff Researcher Darwin Diaz was honored last month at the NIST Material Measurement Laboratory’s 2021 Accolades Gala for Organizational Excellence. Darwin provides exceptional service and invaluable support to the joint NIST-Maryland research program at IBBR through outstanding management of the W.M. Keck/NIST X-ray Crystallography Core Facility, ranging from instrument installations and maintenance, to design and fabrication of custom pieces of research equipment.
"We are very fortunate to have Darwin on our team. He is all in for the science, for the mission, and he can fix just about anything," said Dr. Travis Gallagher, IBBR Fellow and NIST Research Chemist.
The MML Accolades Program was created to recognize exemplary work by staff in areas of strategic interest and benefit to MML. Awardees were nominated by their peers - MML employees and associates - based on the accomplishments and outcomes of their work. For more details on this year’s awardees and their contributions click here.