Dozens of test tubes in a holder

Visiting IBBR


The Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research (IBBR)
9600 Gudelsky Drive
Rockville, Maryland 20850

Driving Directions

Detailed driving directions to our Shady Grove facility in Rockville, Maryland are available by clicking here.


Pay for use parking is available for visitors in the Shady Grove Garage located directly across from IBBR (see map below).

Facility Access

IBBR is a secure facility, so daily visitors must go the main entrance under the trellis and check in at the front desk. For visitors attending an event at IBBR please follow the signage to the appropriate facility entrance to sign in. 

Public Transportation

IBBR is located approximately 5 miles from both the Rockville and Shady Grove MetroRail Stations. Montgomery County's Ride On bus system services the area. For specific route information please visit the Ride On website or call 240-777-0311.