Dozens of test tubes in a holder

CryoEMGroup home page


IBBR CryoEM user group is organized to support users involved in cryoelectron microscopy research and utilizing experimental facilities at IBBR.  This space will feature relevant announcements and pertinent information.

New users

New and aspiring users must read the onboarding notes.  You may request access to that and other information here.  If you subsequently lose the link to shared folder, here it is again.

Training is mandatory to all wishing to prepare grids at IBBR. Book your appointment here.  

Group membership is granted to all users that establish cryoDB account.  If for some reason you need one but not the other, you may request group membership here.  This is unusual situation, so do provide an explanation.

Active users

All the inquires should be directed to Ed Pozharski (UM, and/or Tom Cleveland (NIST,