Biomolecular Labeling Laboratory (BL2)

The Biomolecular Labeling Laboratory (BL2) provides state-of-the-art capabilities in biochemistry, molecular biology and biophysics necessary to support users in the production, purification and characterization of stable-isotope labeled biomolecules for advanced biophysical and bioanalytical measurements. It supports internal measurement programs in areas such as neutron scattering, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and high resolution mass spectrometry, as well as supports the external user community of the NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR).
The BL2 currently supports labeling proteins and nucleic acids with 2H, 13C and 15N. It also has the capability for domain labeling and amino acid-specific labeling of proteins expressed in bacteria and yeast.
Researchers, both internal and external, who are interested in using the BL2 facility must submit an application for use of the facility. Applications will be peer reviewed and selected based on scientific merit and match to the NIST mission of advancing bioscience metrology. Interested users must first create an account on the NCNR IMS system. After account creation, users must submit applications on-line. Please allow at least four weeks for application review.
For more information about the BL2 please contact Dr. Zvi Kelman