Seminar: "Mass spectrometry imaging of energy metabolism"
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Metabolic heterogeneity plays a crucial role in mammalian physiology. While liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is a valuable tool for studying metabolism, offering high specificity and comprehensive metabolome coverage, it falls short in revealing the spatial distribution of metabolites. In recent years, mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) has emerged as a powerful method to investigate spatially resolved metabolic activity. Nonetheless, there are substantial challenges in detecting small molecule metabolites (SMM) using MSI, primarily due to matrix effects and ion suppressions. In this presentation, I will describe some of the approaches we developed in enhancing the detection sensitivity of SMM. More importantly, I will also share examples that leverage isotope tracing technology to uncover metabolic activity, such as NAD+ synthesis in mouse kidneys and variations in glycolytic activity among different muscle fiber types. Overall, the improved detection of metabolites combined with isotope tracing offers an enhanced means of probing energy metabolism with spatial precision in vivo.
Reference: Lu et al. (2023) Anal Chem.
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