IBBR/NIST BMD Seminar: "Exploring the Structural and Dynamic Factors Driving Interactions of Clinical Molecules: A Case Study of GMCSF and Heparin"

Event Type:
IBBR Seminar Series
Contact Person:
Nicole Tenly

Event Info

Monday, November 22 2021 - 11:00am to 12:00pm

Event Details

George Lisi
Brown University


Cytokines are key mediators of cellular communication and regulators of biological advents. The lens through which researchers often view cytokine biochemistry involves their localization and quantity, using phenomenological models to derive system-level explanations of function. Despite the utility of this approach, many molecular aspects of cytokine function remain unclear, hindering efforts to intuitively modulate their mechanisms and promiscuous interactions. Understanding the structural and/or environmental factors that impart a surprising functional complexity to these small proteins is critical to informing 1) the role played by cytokines in cellular communication, 2) the improvement of tools leveraged for research, and 3) the development of therapeutics or targets in clinical treatment plans. This seminar will focus on GMCSF, a small cytokine with a lack of modular domains that binds numerous ligands and performs both beneficial and pathological functions. GMCSF aggravates inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and ARDS of severe COVID-19, but also ameliorates type-I diabetes and is used clinically to combat neutropenia. Our interest lies in understanding how GMCSF, a clinically administered protein, could modulate its structure in order to toggle its molecular interactions of binding modes with other therapeutics under conditions of disease.


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